This is what we ate for dinner last night.

This recipe is from the book
Simply Organic: A Cookbook for Sustainable, Seasonal, and Local Ingredients by Jesse Ziff.
I received this book for my birthday this year. I have been hung up on the idea of cooking an entire cook book all the way through and I think this is going to be my project for the next 2 years or so.
There are 148 recipes in this book that means I would have to make almost 3 a week if I wanted to finish the book in one year. This was an inexpensive recipe but a lot of them involve expensive cuts of meat and wine (Zinfandel-Braised Lamb Shanks for example) and I don't think that we could afford to do the whole book in one year so I am shooting for a 2 year plan. This book is arranged by season and the meals are made up of ingredients that would be found in season for that particular time of year. I think that fact alone will actually make is possible to cook through this book - your not going to run into some recipe that calls for blood oranges in the middle of summer. This recipe was from the deep winter section. Even considering that most of the produce I bought was from California. Pretty much the only truly local produce (grown in WA or BC) that can be found right now are leeks, onions, potatoes, shallots, and mushrooms.
Don't worry I am not turning this into a food blog. I just thought it would be interesting to do a little blog post about some of the good recipes and this was one of them. We are giving it 4 stars. The flavors work really well together but since the book is copyrighted I can't actually post the recipe here (sorry).
If you had asked me last year I would have said that I didn't like beets but last summer we received some in our CSA box and I went to (my default recipe book) and found this recipe for beet salad. We loved it an that salad has now become one of our favorites - (we use fresh beets instead of canned beets though). Simon, on the other hand, hates beets. Its the only food that he truly hates. We tried feeding them to him when he was about 7 months old and he would gag, choke and spit it them out. It's actually quite a comical production. I tried again last night to get him to eat some and he chewed for awhile and then just spit them back out. This is really an improvement over the last time he tired them so we may make a beet eater out of him yet.